American Legion, FLOYD-DAVIDSON POST NO. 126 — 1924
Buena Vista, Virginia
The Post was originally named after two comrades who lost their lives in the World War, their names being C. Rudolph Floyd and Elbert Davidson. The charter members of the Post which was organized in 1920 were: R. L. Whitesel, J. R. Jenkins, J. E. Key, C. G. Huffman, T. E. Huffman, Lloyd R. Rogers, S. K. Reid, C. H. Via, J. E. Niswander, Joseph A. Lanum, Walter H. Garrett, Win. T. Newland, W. D. Spangler, G. O. Whitesel, B. O. Stephenson, H. R. Robey, J. C. Taylor and W. Brown Knight.
The officers of the Post for 1920 were: Commander, Robert L. Whitesel; adjutant, Lloyd R. Rogers; finance officer, Harry R. Robey; employment officer, C. P. Jenson; service officer, C. G. Huffman; chaplain, E. W. Ryman.
The officers of the Post for 1921 were: Commander, Robert L. Whitesel; adjutant, Lloyd R. Rogers; vice-commander, J. R. Jenkins; finance officer, C. P. Jenson; chaplain, E. W. Ryman; sergeant-at-arms, C. H. Via.
The officers of the Post for 1922 were: Commander, Preston S. Newland; vice-commander, C. P. Jenson; finance officer, R. L. Whitesel; adjutant, J. R. Jenkins; historian, Win. G. Page; chaplain, J. E. Key; sergeant-at-arms, C. C. Hill.
The officers of the Post for 1923 were: Commander, R. L. Whitesel; vice-commander, T. D. Pryor; adjutant, C. D. Niswander; finance officer, J. E. Key; sergeant-at-arms, C. C. Hill.
The officers of the Post for 1924 are: Commander, J. R. Jenkins, resigned June 2nd and succeeded by A. M. Davis, vice, commander; T. E. Agnor elected vice-commander to succeed A. M. Davis; adjutant, C. B. Pollard; finance officer, J. E. Key; historian, C. Drewry Blair; service officer, R. L. Whitesel ; sergeant-at-arms, C. C. Hill.
The activities of the Post up to 1924 consisted chiefly of assisting disabled men and their dependents in various ways. In additions during the year 1924 several contests, known as “Fiddlers’ Convention,” were put on to raise money for the Post treasury, as well as putting on moving picture shows which proved profitable as well as entertaining.
The Post is sponsoring the planting of trees around the New School building in the fall, which will enhance the looks of the property to a great extent.
Independence Day, 1924, was devoted to boosting a program put on by the Boy Scouts, Troop No. 1, Buena Vista, to raise funds for their summer camp and the Legion was in attendance the whole day.
A room is being maintained in the local bank with a Legion member in charge during the month of July to assist all ex-service men in filling out their bonus application blanks.
The membership of the Post has been increased to thirty-six during the first half of 1924 and our goal of fifty for the half ending December, 1924, is being hoped for.