18th Century North Carolina New River Settlers
The 1778 Wilkes County tax list indicate some of the settlers west of the crest of the Blue Ridge. An unusual relic of a by gone era are the evaluations of property of these settlers, given in pounds, shillings and pence. It is interesting also to note that there were more residents in 1782, apparently several families left the area during the revolutionary war years. Some of this may be explained by the fact several Tory Families left for more pro-British areas. The region west of the crest of the Blue Ridge, in 1778, was considered Captain Andrew Baker’s Company. William Colvard served as the Justice of the Peace for the area, William Ray was a constable and Daniel Richardson, Andrew Baker, Jr., and William Clay were appraisers in the Southern part of Baker’s District. In the Northern District of Baker’s Company Micajah Pennington was justice of the peace, Benjamin Pennington served as constable, Beverly Watkins, James Ward and Abijah Pennington were appraisers. The 1778 tax list for that part of Wilkes which became Ashe: